Meeting info (security on the desktop?)

steve doerr sdoerr at
Tue Mar 21 04:00:33 CST 2000

Brian Kelsay wrote:

> Meeting place is the Missouri Valley room on the third floor of
> the downtown Public Library, 311 E 12th street.  The
> meeting formally starts at 6:30.
> I have some giveaway items from Redhat that we can have a drawing for and
> we need a discussion topic.  I was thinking about Security in Linux as that
> is something on everyone's mind lately.   I saw a list of Linux seminars
> that SGI was giving around the country and at almost every location they
> are discussing security.   So everyone bring security questions and think
> of something profound and security related to say.   See you there.

How about desktop security as a subtopic?  Network people live and breath this
stuff, but desktop dialup users may not be used to worrying about it as they
move to dsl and cable modems.  Log monitors, checking inetd.conf, Linuxconf,
etc.  Stuff that desktop users should know to secure their systems.  I know I
have a lot of questions.


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