
Sam Clippinger samc at silence.org
Wed Jan 19 04:03:36 CST 2000

When last we left our heroes, mlee at microlink.net had just said:
> This gave the same results.  I don't really understand the
> role of initrd in the boot process, so if someone could help
> me out I'd be much obliged.  BTW, I'm running Redhat 6.1 with
> the stock kernel and initrd image.  If necessary, I'll post
> the bootup messages showing the PCI driver failing.

"initrd" is Unix-style shorthand for "Initial RAM Disk".  Basically, using an
initrd file allows some modules to load before the filesystem is mounted.  This
is an advantage if you need one or more of those modules to get at your
filesystem (e.g. the SCSI drivers).

As for your specific problem, I suspect either your card isn't configured
correctly or it isn't completely supported under Linux (in that kernel version).
The bootup messages that detail how the driver fails would be helpful, as
would more information about the card itself (vendor, model, chipset, IRQ,
I/O base, etc).

My usual advice is to recompile the latest version of the kernel and only use
the drivers you need, but that's a fairly daunting task if you're not already
familiar with it. :)  You might check Redhat's update site to see if they've
released a newer kernel version as an RPM.  Better support for your card may
have been added since your kernel was released.


 Sam Clippinger               For PGP public key (KEY ID: 431C5529), see
samc at silence.org          http://www.micro.com/~samc or http://pgp.ai.mit.edu
=============randomly selected quote===no relevance to the above=============
"Let us leave this place where the smoke blows black
 And the dark street winds and bends
 Past the pits where the asphalt flowers grow
 We shall walk with a walk that is measured and slow,
 And watch where the chalk-white arrows go
 To the place where the sidewalk ends."
                            - Shel Silverstein, "Where the Sidewalk Ends"

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