Advocating the use of Linux (was RE: kclug - KCLUG?!?!?!)

Thomas, Leonard ThomasLe at
Mon Jan 17 18:29:17 CST 2000

Just my penny about MS vs Linux.

  I thoroughly enjoy Linux and push its virtues over MS all the time. Most of
the software that I utilize on a day to day basis has been ported over from old
UNIX code, but as one will see if they look carefully I am using MS Outlook for
my email service.  This is because the university  has chosen to go with MS
products.  I generally use what I need and try to find the best and most
reliable platform for my use.  I am a firm believer in open source, most of the
standard programs in my area were developed in an open source fashion way before
the term became fashionable.  There is an on going debate now as to weather
allot of the code should be closed source or not.  

I am speaking from more of an end user position then sys. admin. like a lot of
you, but the nature of my field requires me to a great extent to take care of a
number of systems from the ground up. I also had to make the migration over from
VMS to Unix.  MS products have really only been a minor tool that I have used.


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