Do you know if communications companies offering digital high speed service plan to support Linux?

Randy Rathbun randy at
Fri Sep 24 15:27:50 CDT 1999

Depends what you mean by support, I suppose. 

If you mean "Will Linux run DSL?" the answer is yes. If you mean "If I have
a problem and call them up will they help me fix it?" then the answer will
be a definite maybe. 

I do know that some of these places will not even install DSL or cable
modems unless you are running Windows or Mac - why? Ya got me other than
the tech.drones can't figure out how to launch telnet on any other system.

Also, can we avoid using HTML in messages please? I find them quite
annoying and equally as silly.



Dear KC LUGS: 
I've seen some emails on DSL for Linux. Anyone think they can help this
Maurice Entwistle 

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