simple NN in Perl (was RE: LISP program)

Andrew Moore amoore at
Mon Feb 23 18:17:38 CST 2004

On Mon, Feb 23, 2004 at 11:28:51AM -0600, david nicol wrote:
> Any paradigm can be implemented in any language, provided
> that the implementor has sufficient understanding of both.
> Because I think it willbe easy and I want to show off I am
> going to present a Perl framework for a neural network system,

David - 

That's pretty cool.

It seems to me possible (likely?) that these nodes don't just form one
connected network. They may form more than one disconnected networks
that never communicate with each other, right?

Not that I mind too much. It's fine with me if they settle on a couple
of numbers, but I thought I'd ask anyway since it seems like I can never
get mine to agree.

Now I have another tool that I need to find a use for...


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