timeout sending mail to Seth Dimbert <s.dimbert@fhmr.com>

Hanasaki JiJi hanasaki at hanaden.com
Tue Apr 8 00:54:04 CDT 2003


appolgies for having to send this via the LUG list.  Cant seem to send 
mail to you... See the below output from the SMTP server.

This message was created automatically by mail delivery software.
A message that you sent has not yet been delivered to one or more of its
recipients after more than 72 hours on the queue.

The message identifier is:     191Uwl-0000ze-Qf
The date of the message is:    Fri, 04 Apr 2003 11:25:01 -0600
The subject of the message is: Re: RR / Cable Broadband pricing

The address to which the message has not yet been delivered is:

   s.dimbert at fhmr.com
     Delay reason: Connection timed out

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