Why the Annual Linux Showcase Organizers should consider Kansas City for the Annual Linux Showcase 2002.

  1. Central location: There are 47 local user groups from 9 states within a one day drive. There are two active groups within a one hour drive. LinuxFest 2000 had attendees from St. Louis, Wichita, and Austin. There are many people who would come to an event here.
  2. Lower costs: Kansas City is less expensive than many other regions of the U.S.
  3. Less competition: There are fewer tech conventions in the region competing for the attention of people in the area.
  4. Large convention space: Bartle Hall has nearly 400,000 square feet of space uninterrupted by pillars or walls. Many other large meeting rooms adjoin this space
  5. Volunteers: We will work hard to help make the show a success. Members of local groups volunteered to help out with LinuxFest 2000. We took time off from work to staff a booth during the show. We provided transportation for VIPs to and from the airport and their hotels. We paid to bring Slashdot.org's Emmett Plant to Kansas City, raising interest in the show.
  6. Local projects:
    1. KURT: The KU Real-Time Linux
      1. UTIME - Micro-Second Resolution Timers for Linux
      2. DSKI - The Data Stream Kernel Interface
      3. POSIX.4 Extensions to Linux
    2. KU ATM Tool Chest (Obsolete)
    3. CALLGEN - An ATM Signaling Performance Evaluation Tool
    4. SmartGDB
    5. Lynx was originally developed here.
    6. SUBTERFUGUE's project lead developer lives in the Kansas City area.
      "strace meets expect."
    7. Ethereal is based in the Kansas City area.
      A network protocol analyzer.
  7. Local companies involved in Linux:
    1. Atipa
    2. LinuxMall has a group here.
    3. The IBM S/390 group has a presence here.
    4. Informix
  8. Three letters: BBQ. Barbecue is a hot topic here in Kansas City. The arguments about which sauce is best can get every bit as heated as the ones about distribution, Vi/Emacs or Gnome/KDE.
  9. Geeks with Guns: Full auto at the Bullet Hole. Also underground paintball at http://www.jaegers.com.

Hal Duston
Webmaster KCLUG - Kansas City Linux User Group
Member KULUA - Kansas Unix & Linux Users Association

This letter is mirrored at KCLUG and KULUA.
Last modified on Thursday, 21-Dec-2000 16:29:30 CST