Reply from Congressman Emanuel Cleaver concerning Orphan WorksActof 2008

Christofer C. Bell christofer.c.bell at
Tue Aug 12 16:28:19 CDT 2008

On Tue, Aug 12, 2008 at 4:10 PM, James Sissel <jimsissel at> wrote:
> Ya, I've heard that "Native American" crap too.  They didn't protect their
> borders and look what happened to them.  I don't plan on that happening to
> the Unites States of America.  We are not going to be singing "America The
> Beautiful" in Spanish, French, German, or any other language than English.
> Call me racist or xenophobe if you wish.  When logic fails name calling is
> the next step.  The point being right now, not "pre-1924", we have laws
> about immigration.  (Gee, I wonder why those laws were written.)
> And once again, for those who are too dim witted to understand, we are
> talking about ILLEGAL immigration and we don't care if it is North, South,
> East, or West.  Illegal is illegal.  When the burgler breaks into my house
> and demands I do things HIS way I have a problem with it.

At least I'm white and speak English, eh?  Here's your post in the
mother tongue of my great grandparents:
Ya, sam čuo da su "Indijanci" isprdak. Oni nisu zaštitili njihove
granice i pogledati što se dogodilo s njima. Ne na tom planu događa na
States United States States of America. Mi smo ne idući u biti
pjevanja "America The Beautiful" u španjolski, francuski, njemački,
ili bilo koji drugi jezik nego engleski. Call me rasističke ili
xenophobe ako to želite. Kada logika ne uspije ime pozivajući se na
sljedeći korak. Stvar je upravo sada, a ne "pre-1924", imamo zakone o
imigraciji. (Điha, Pitam se zašto oni zakoni su pisani.)

I još jednom, za one koji su previše oslabile shvaćati da shvatite, mi
smo se govori o ilegalne imigracije i ne briga ako je sjever, jug,
istok ili zapad. Nezakonit je ilegalan. Kada burgler pauze u moju kuću
i zahtjevima mogu učiniti stvari na svoj put, imam problem s njom.

This is Croatian.  They were immigrants.  You can suck an egg.  Asshole.


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