Upgraded to Ubuntu 7.10, now resolution stuck at 1600x1200

Jon Pruente jdpruente at gmail.com
Sun Oct 21 12:36:17 CDT 2007

On 10/21/07, Jason D. Clinton <me at jasonclinton.com> wrote:
> X.org 7.3 (which I presume is what is in Ubuntu since they continue to
> ship unstable piles of crap as "stable") does not have working

I just checked, it's 7.2, while the "stable" stable Debian uses 7.1,
"testing" uses 7.2-5 (just like Ubuntu 7.10) and "unstable" uses 7.3-2
(which is where your rant is going to).  So where's the beef?
Ubnuntu, Debian, or Xorg?  Your rant should be pointed at Debian
unstable for using 7.3.  HTH, H a ND.


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