Political Blather

Luke -Jr luke at dashjr.org
Tue Jan 23 10:01:16 CST 2007

On Tuesday 23 January 2007 09:13, Kelsay, Brian - Kansas City, MO wrote:
> I call BS.  Over and over again, I have pointed you to DamnSmall Linux
> (DSL). http://www.damnsmalllinux.org/
> At the risk of sounding like a broken record, they have "50MB of Penguin
> Power."  There should be no barrier to entry for a user getting DSL.  It
> is so small that anyone can download it.  Hell, Microsoft distributes OS
> patches that are four times larger! 

All of this may be seen as irrelevant since arguably DSL lacks a DE (or at 
least WM) that is easier than Windows.

> One guy even got DSL running on a 486 with >32MB of RAM. 

... >32 MB of RAM? that's most computers these days ;)

> And to Luke: So what if your little blinky lights on your shiny new
> laptop don't work.  Same goes for the 3d hardware acceleration.

Wireless is more than mere lights, in case you didn't know this yet.

> http://www.nvidia.com/object/unix.html

These are illegal.

> Keep writing letters to the hardware manufacturer to get Linux support,
> whether it is GPL drivers or scanner software that works with *nix. 

Never had a problem with scanning in *nix, except HP's junk that tries to be 
2-in-1 with a single driver (which means installing userland stuff to manage 
splitting it up).

> Luke and Chuck need to take a few college courses on government and history
> as they are a bit mixed up. 

Right... so we can read and learn the rewritten versions of history.

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