Subversion (svn)

Jon Pruente jdpruente at
Tue Jan 9 17:08:09 CST 2007

As I understand it they've got some big iron off 435 and 63rd for a
main data center.  They've got a second, fail over, site in St. Louis
that they physically test once a month (as in kill connections here
and see if STL picks up) and a whole bunch of smaller setups all over.
 They've got some machines that have been *on* for about 30 years.  I
really do hope they've got good security too, but with their history
in the industry, I think they do.  I'm fairly sure that's why my
friends project only made the suggestion of what to change, and would
allow the local admin for each machine to have the final decision of
what to change.


> The argument against unifying UIDs accross your enterprise is that it
> allows for security holes to become larger.  Hopefully DST has some
> continuing intrusion monitoring in place before (or at least contemporaneously
> with) their unification effort.

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