
David Nicol davidnicol at
Mon Jan 8 00:12:28 CST 2007

On 1/8/07, Luke-Jr <luke at> wrote:
> The problem with Subversion for [complete system backup], and why it
> won't work too great outside
> of configs, is that it doesn't store owner/group or permissions at all.

shouldn't be too hard to add.  As well as some repo-repo rsync scripting
such as available (for sale? not sure) from wandisco.  Or an 'svn ignore'
primitive that adds file names to the ignore property :)

the problem with svn patches is that everyone who uses svn is too busy
working on whatever they're using it for to be motivated to add incremental
improvements :)

pre-Α, Α, Β, rc, release.

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