
Luke -Jr luke at dashjr.org
Fri Jan 5 14:28:46 CST 2007

On Saturday 06 January 2007 02:21, Bradley Hook wrote:
> So, what distro(s) do you use on your primary system(s)?

Gentoo, Debian, OpenZaurus

> What distros have you tried in the last year or two? In 10 words or less
> describe why you did or did not like them.

Gentoo-- I can make it do exactly what I need, most of the time
Debian-- I can't use a package from unstable in a stable install
Fedora-- Why do I need to go change my repository configurations???
Ubuntu-- eww, GNOME; ugly, slow, etc
Kubuntu-- ok, I can deal with this while I don't have a HD; wtf? no Ethereal??

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