Upgrading from FC4 to Kubuntu???

Jeremy Fowler JFowler at westrope.com
Fri Jan 5 09:39:29 CST 2007

I also am a gentoo user, exclusively. Gentoo just rocks, plain and
simple. It sucks using a distro that uses lowest common denominator
hardware i686 binaries and bloated packages built will all the options
turned on. Then there is the problem with waiting for someone to build a
new package to fix a bug, security vulnerability, or add a new feature.
Gentoo package patches are available at a much faster rate, and you
build it yourself so no waiting for someone to build it for you. Plus,
there is nothing like compiling a system with compiler options specific
to your hardware to eek out that little extra performance and USE flags
to build only the features you want in each package. Gentoo is also a
fluid distro, meaning you always have the latest version, just emerge
and go. When they do release a new version, just link to the new portage
profile and emerge -avuDN and bam, your at the new version. Granted,
sometimes packages break on upgrade. However, it doesn't break your
system or bring you down. Your still using the old package. Just wait a
few days and resync portage and a new package is usually available to
fix the problem. However, sometimes the dependency checker doesn't do as
good a job as it should, and you end up having to emerge specific
packages before others. However, its all out there in the forums. A
little research with a search engine query is usually all that is
needed. No system is perfect, but for me, Gentoo's qualities far out
weight its weaknesses.

Have you tried Gentoo lately?

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