Screen Goes Black after running Xserver

Jack quiet_celt at
Wed Jan 25 22:30:07 CST 2006

--- Jason Clinton <me at> wrote:

> On Sat, 2006-01-21 at 22:55 -0800, Jack wrote:
> > I would suggest you "apt-get install
> xserver-xfree86"
> > and make that your default X and see if that fixes
> > things. If it does we know it is 
> This is very bad advice. xfree86 is abandoned and
> lacks a number of
> patches which have subsequently been applied to
Hunh!? XFree86 in stable is still very much supported
and a security patch was released last month. Perhaps
in "testing"
or "unstable" it is abandoned, but patches don't
always happen as fast in testing and unstable as in

I'm quite happy using XFree86, but I wasn't
necessarily proposing to use XFree86 permanently. I
was primarily trying to offer troubleshooting tips to
determine the problem and to get X up and working. It
doesn't do any good to have only the server
installed if it doesn't function as needed. 

Brian JD

<reposting, first attempt rejected>

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