Testing RAM

Oren Beck oren_beck at hotmail.com
Sun Jun 5 21:26:39 CDT 2005

Jason Clinton wrote:
> On Sunday 5 June 2005 11:40, Jonathan Hutchins wrote:
>>Several of you have mentioned finding bad RAM with memtest86 lately.  How
>>long to you usually let it run?
> In my experience, if it's going to find something, it finds it in less than an 
> hour.
> I would usually start it before I went on a lunch break and if it didn't find 
> anything by the time I returned, I figured the memory was good.

That leaves some variables that have squicked better than us .
The case example of personal note was thermal- server not
  re-installed into place it lived when in real use.
A eurostyle wall unit - lacking good breathing room.
Passed FINE overnight in a cool shop basement.

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