wardriving a crime in Florida?

D. Joe kclug at etrumeus.com
Sat Jul 9 06:55:57 CDT 2005

On Fri, Jul 08, 2005 at 02:36:07PM -0700, Jack wrote:

> But, I was talking about
> wardriving, and not cellphones with instant internet.
> Still, if we make one legal then it would be very
> discriminatory to illegalize the other. 

The law is all about making discriminations.

Take just a recently-decided case before the Supreme Court, for
example:  When it comes to displaying the 10 Commandments on
government property, it all depends on how you do it:  Some
displays on some government property purchased by some people
for some purposes in some contexts are OK, others violate the
establishment clause of the First Amendment, and are not OK.  

Well, OK, maybe not *all* about that, but that's a big part of

D. Joe Anderson         http://www.etrumeus.com/~deejoe
"DRM [...] is to copyright law as a machine gun on                                          
a motion detector is to real estate law"  -- Don Marti

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