In the UK windows will now control thermo-nuclear ICBM's

Brian Densmore DensmoreB at
Wed Sep 22 15:31:42 CDT 2004

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jonathan Hutchins
> On Wednesday 22 September 2004 01:11 pm, jeffslists wrote:
> > This sure is scary.  I didn't think the Brits were that stupid.
> > OSS torpedoed: Royal Navy will run on Windows for Warships
> > 
> We have Windows running Nuclear Power Plants (remember the 
> Big Blackout?) and 
> nuclear weapons.  Why should the Brit's fall behind?
No we don't. Windows may be utilized ***in*** nuclear power plants,
but the actual control of the plants is by highly specialized software
and hardware, and there's no way you're going to convince me that 
tactical weapons are using windows. I used to do MILSPEC electronics and
I've never seen anything that even hinted of DOS never the less Windows
being used. Besides Windows would never have the response time necessary
to do the course corrections needed for tactical weapons. I will say that this
article is very scary indeed, but not knowing what the UKs CMS controls it
is hard to say what the risks are. I find highly improbable that Windows is
being used for targeting, tracking or control mechanisms in these warships.
But if it is, they have serious trouble ahead for them. But then these are the
same people that forgot to thaw their chicken before shooting them at train windows.


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