Linux Support position

Brian Densmore DensmoreB at
Wed Sep 22 11:18:43 CDT 2004

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Garrett Goebel
> I don't get it. All the snide remarks. It's a job offer. 
I wasn't particularly making snide remarks. I understand that although
the job may be for a Linux position, the personnel dept may use Word.
I do have a problem with companies that *require* certain formats. What 
format should it matter if they can access it easily and read it?

> I for one appreciate seeing Linux job postings, 
As do I.

> even though I'm not in the market for a job. 
I actually happen to be entering the market, but can't reply to this ad
(at this time), since the only accessible resume I have at this moment is
in PDF format, and thus not one of the accepted formats.

> And whether it is 3 months, 6 months or 10 years is more likely to be
> determined by whether or not you're a pleasant person to work with, ...
That wasn't the point. The offering was for 6+ mo but looking at the ad 
further one can deduce it is really 3 months. So which is it 3 or 6,
it helps to know these things up front so that one can be prepared.
I simply suspected it was a typo. These things happen.

> Much easier to sit on the sidelines and carp. 

> It's like you're sitting out here waiting for the perfect job to come
> served up on a silver platter. 
I know people like that, I'm not one of them.

> Open positions are about the employer's needs. 
That's part of the problem with society today. It's all about the employer's
needs. The employee's needs should also be considered since the employee brings
something of value to the employer.

> If you want a job and they ask for you're resume in cuniform [sic], you ought to deliver it.
Yes, provided what the employer asks for is overburdensome on the applicants to provide.

> Hell, I'd consider posting a Linux position and asking for the resume in word format
> just to go ahead and filter out all the religious fanatics and ax grinders ;-)
Ah ,but religious fanatics need to eat too. Additionally if some one doesn't grind the
axes then when the heads need to roll there is no sharp ax to use.


Of course, it does no one any good to rant about the faults of an ad placed in a sincere
desire to find a qualified candidate and thus reduce the level of unemployment. However,
I have no problem carrying on a discussion on such, once the can has been opened. ;')


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