Graphic for CD Labels from last year's ITEC

Leo Mauler webgiant at
Fri Oct 29 20:09:45 CDT 2004

Or just offer a choice instead of a pile.

"Which would I prefer?"

Because there's bound to be people more in favor of
KNOPPIX than Suse, and vice-versa.

--- "Monty J. Harder" <lists at> wrote:

> "Leo Mauler" <webgiant at> wrote:
> > I just did it up with something free that came
> with CD
> > Stomper.  No doubt there were leftovers from ITEC,
> and
>   No, we ran out.  I think we made a tactical error
> by having both SuSE and
> Knoppix, because quite a few folks took one of each.
>  Next time if we have
> two different things to give out, we need to keep
> the second choice back and
> parcel it out a bit more judiciously.

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