installing software (was RE: Palm Router)

Leo J Mauler webgiant at
Sat Mar 6 00:57:55 CST 2004

On Fri, 5 Mar 2004 08:44:42 -0600 "Brian Densmore"
<DensmoreB at> writes:
> >-----Original Message-----
> >From:        Leo J Mauler
> >
> >On Wed, 3 Mar 2004 08:49:22 -0600 "Brian Densmore"
> > writes:
> >> -----Original Message-----
> >> From:        Leo J Mauler
> >> 
> > [snip]
> > Sorry, my *point* was that binaries rarely come in tar.gz, 
> > only sources.  That is, when you can get software in a non 
> > RPM or non DEB format,  its a *source* tar.gz.
> I haven't checked out the tar.gz files that come from debian,
> but since I have tar.gz files from debian on my box and I've
> never compiled anything, I suspect they are all binaries.
> I'll investigate and get back to you on that one.

And "rarely" is not the same as "never".  I've always installed from a tar.gz, albeit from a binary installer located
within the tar.gz.

You have to admit that when a developer wants to release a binary
download, they pick one of the two major package formats, RPM or DEB, to
release it.  They never release as a Slackware package, and any tar.gz
package they release is most likely going to be a source-only package.
> >[snip]
> > If you know your C (or whatever programming 
> > language was used).  If you don't, you're just as 
> > free to modify the installed apps as you are with
> >Windows.  The only difference is in the *nature* 
> > of the locked door (which is that with Linux, the 
> > locked door has a window, ironically).  :)
> I disagree. I consider it a door that leads to the door 
> that one needs.

Sorry, the metaphor was a little complex.  The knowledge of how to
program is the *key* to the door, but unlike Windoze where the door is a
solid one, Linux gives you the opportunity to look through a window at
the workings of the system.  You still can't do anything with the system,
but you can see into it.

> Anyu library would have books on C. So you could 
> teahc yourself, or take a class at a local college, or 
> get a tutor to teach you the basics of C.

Yes, I understand that "locksmithing classes" are even available on the
Internet (to ludicrously extend the metaphor).

You still have to learn the material and you have to understand it too. 
And I seem to have a "dynamic memory allocation" mental block or
something.  I just can't seem to code pointers in C.  Oops, a lot of
Linux is dynamic memory allocation.  Oh well, I can modify any "hello
world" code in Linux at least, but beyond that its still a "locked door".

> >[snip]
> > Most of the games I'd like to use come as source-only, 
> > and I'm still trying to track down the dependencies (or 
> > whatever else there is) which prevent the sources from 
> > compiling.
> Well why didn't you say so from the start. That's easily 
> fixed. What exactly are these games you want to install. 

I pulled a bunch of old ones off (or whatever its called
these days).  I'd like to run console games and svgalib games such as: a
solitaire though preferably freecell game; a "game of LIFE" simulator;
and a Tetris game, preferably in svgalib.

> I'll see if I can't find the dependencies you need. 

Thats the kicker with Linux: if you are still learning about the system,
and the distros don't make it clear which libraries they have, you're
stuck hunting through directories full of files ending in ".o" or ".so"
for specific filenames.

> Heck, I might even make a debian package for you. ;')

For loading onto Slackware?  That would require compiling apt from
source!  AAAGGG!
<hides under desk>
> >[snip]
> > Oh, I wish all the sources I'd like to compile came 
> > with a configure script.  
> Can't argue weith you there. 
> ;')

Which means it sometimes isn't as easy as running ./configure.

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