Linux on the Desktop

Leo J Mauler webgiant at
Wed Jan 28 19:57:52 CST 2004

On Wed, 28 Jan 2004 12:46:06 -0600 "Brian Densmore"
<DensmoreB at> writes:
> There are lots of places using Linux now as a desktop. So 
> to say that it just isn't there is just FUD.  Sure it is nowhere 
> near as slick as M$, But let's be fair M$ has been doing it 
> a lot longer and they have a whole pile lot more money to 
> throw at it.

More like they have a lot more money to make the bugs "disappear".  Not
"get written out of the code", just "disappear" from the *media*.

M$ hides its problems very easily because people who publicize them get
sued.  Linux, being Open Source, publicizes its bugs because thats a part
of the OSS system.

So we have a monopoly which can hide its problems under a load of lawyers
and money, and an alternative OS which likes to talk about its problems. 

Naturally the general public is going to go to the restaurant with the
fancy facade, over the run-down sole-proprietor diner, even if the diner
has better food and a cleaner kitchen.  The salmonella running rampant
through the fancy restaurant's kitchen is neatly hushed up, and those
people who do get sick are merely accused of bringing in their own
salmonella, or sued for trying to sneak out of the restaurant with some
of the restaurant's "trade secrets".

But the people who discover the diner quickly notice that they don't get
sick eating there, and come back to the same diner again and again.  To
the merriment of their friends, who just can't understand why someone
would put up with the look of the diner rather than go to the fancy
restaurant (salmonella is a feature, not a bug!).

Sorry if some of you are reading this over your lunch break.  :(

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