EFF - Verified Voting

Hal Duston hduston at speedscript.com
Wed Jan 14 16:53:33 CST 2004

On Wed, 2004-01-14 at 06:08, Leo J Mauler wrote:
> On Mon, 12 Jan 2004 13:51:08 -0600 Hal Duston <hduston at speedscript.com>
> writes:
> > Both senators represent the entire state.
> Yes, but which Senator do I have the power of voting out of office if I
> didn't live in a 95% Republican state? 
> If the Senator isn't in my district then I just get to watch helplessly
> as other people put him back into office.  Not that this changes much in
> my own equally 95% Republican district, mind you.
> Yes, they both represent the entire state, but theoretically any given
> Kansan can only take *one* of the Senators to task for not doing what
> that individual Kansan wanted them to do, and the other Senator is free
> to ignore that given Kansan's angry letters.

This is incorrect.  You vote on both senators at different times. 
Senators are elected statewide, and don't have districts.  You will have
to opportunity to vote on Sam Brownback this year.  You will have the
opportunity to vote on Pat Robertson in 2008.


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