Apache 2 and Webalizer Reports

Jon M. Moss jon.moss at cnonline.net
Fri Aug 6 16:12:23 CDT 2004

Good morning all!

I installed Webalizer yesterday (which is really cool).  I'm trying to
configure Apache to allow me to access the Webalizer reports remotely.

I followed the instructions from Danilo Dy and added these lines to my
httpd.conf file:

Alias /usage/ "/var/www/html/usage"
<Directory "/var/www/html/usage">
        AllowOverride None
        Options FollowSymLinks
        AuthName "Webalizer Report"
        AuthType Basic
        AuthUserFile /var/www/passwd/passwords
        Require valid-user

I created a subdirectory for the passwords file and added my username and
password with htpasswd.

However, when I attempt to access the webpage, Page Cannot Be Found.

I haven't updated the permissions on the usage folder.  Should I have?
What access permissions would I need?

Any other thoughts?


Jon Moss
jon.moss at cnonline.net

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