Novell deal good for Linux, bad for SCO

DCT Jared jsmith at
Thu Nov 6 16:01:14 CST 2003

Jonathan Hutchins is referred to as an
evangelist in the following quote.


Butler Group senior analyst Mike Davis saw IBM's investment as significant because the deal would 
diminish SCO's impact on Linux.

"SuSE became more vulnerable after SCO, which has worldwide offices, pulled out of United Linux," 
he explained.

"IBM has a great need to maintain viable and strong [Linux] distributions. So a bit of me says this 
is directly as a result of SCO's actions."

Barnett also felt that the deal showed SCO as no longer a threat. "Novell must have had its lawyers 
pore over the deal. It has plainly taken a judgement that SCO's case has no merit. SCO is toast," 
he declared.

Butler added: "Novell will have to convince the more evangelical elements of the Linux community 
that what it is doing with SuSE is nothing like what happened with Caldera. Novell has made its 
position clear that it is part of the anti-SCO lobby."


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