Breaking Threads

Jim Herrmann kclug at
Wed Nov 5 19:15:49 CST 2003

Jonathan Hutchins wrote:

>On Wednesday 05 November 2003 10:35 am, Jason Clinton wrote:
>> Over the last week, there has been a great increase in threading breaking.
>Threading is not a supported feature in eMail - it is a feature supported in 
I'm sure Jason will be all over this one, but Jonathan, you are FoS. 
There is a message ID (yours was 
<200311051121.02479.hutchins at>) attached to every message, 
and References: field inserted when you reply (in your message was 
<3FA926C2.10506 at>).  Any modern mail client supports 
this, and if yours doesn't (since you're using Kmail your does) then you 
need to move into the twenty first century.  Get current and get over it.


P.S. Notice I didn't top post, even though I think it's stupid to bottom 
post.  :-P

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