Revolution OS

Jim Herrmann jimh at
Mon Mar 31 07:11:16 CST 2003

Hey luggites!

I just bought "Revolution OS" at Think Geek:

And go a free linux fish, you know like the jesus/evolution thing, 
thrown in on the deal.  I may actually finally put something on the back 
of my car.  My wife's been bugging me for years to put on a bumper 
sticker, and I have essentially refused, but I may have to finally break 
down.  I'll let you know if the fish is cheesy.

BTW, one of the reasons I bought the movie is that J.T.S. Moore has 
released it without CSS.  So, he is counting on the hacker/geek/linux 
community to actually buy the movie, rather than pirate it, to prove 
something to the RIAA and the MPAA.  I can support that cause, and I 
encourage you to do the same.


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