Tux Stress Relievers

Wade Wassenberg wassie at qwest.net
Mon Mar 24 23:25:40 CST 2003


Most of you that have been attending the meetings already know this, but for
those of you who have been absent lately, I have a whole BUNCH of Tux Stress
Relievers.  Now, if you like, you can just show up to the next meeting, and
I'll have them for purchase for $5.  However, if you would like me to mail
you one, email me. I'll give you my address, and you can mail a check or
money order for $6 (shipping is only a buck).  I'll mail to anywhere in the
united states, so if you have friends on IRC, or anywhere else in the
country that might be interested, pass this along.

Here are the details:

Now available:  Maybe you need stress relief.  Or maybe you want to show off
to others that you support Linux.  Or maybe you just think this looks cool.
Whatever the case may be, we have Tux stress relievers:

Dimensions: 3 1/4" x 2" x 1 3/4"
Made from a poly foam rubber
(same material as a typical stressball)

These are only $5.00 plus S/H to addresses in the USA.  For more information
or to purchase one of these, send an email to tux at wass.homelinux.net.

Thanks guys.  See you at the next meeting.


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