Bad Drivers (was Re: Finally starting preparations for the move...drivers)

Dave Hull dphull at
Sat Mar 22 02:15:35 CST 2003

I've been thinking for a couple of years now that as long as manufacturers are 
putting so many computer functions into cars, why not put one in that keeps 
track of how often a driver turns without signalling. Such information could 
then be sent to the DMV and citations could be issued.

Or if that's too much a violation of privacy, simply have the vehicle refuse 
to start for a day and provide a "warning light" on the dash which indicates 
that the driver has failed to signal too many times and therefore can't drive 
for some set period of time.

No, I'm not terribly serious, so don't go off about what a stupid idea this 
is, but I do get annoyed when sitting at an intersection waiting for a break 
in traffic so that I can turn and some inconsiderate/lazy/apathetic driver 
turns onto the street I'm on without signalling first and a perfect chance for 
me to move on is squandered because I didn't know they were going to turn.

This used to frustrate me greatly, but over the last few months I've been 
saying to myself, "Maybe their flasher is burned out," or "Ah well, maybe this 
is the one time they forgot to signal this month."

Dave Hull

Life is like an onion: you peel off layer after layer and then you find
there is nothing in it.
		-- James Huneker

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