
Mick Ohrberg mick at ohrberg.org
Fri Mar 14 23:26:50 CST 2003

Since the radio stations are private companies, they will of course have to listen to what the 
listeners say. I was watching a newsclip with one of the radio station DJ's, saying something like 
"If 95% of the listeners say DON'T PLAY IT, what can you do?".

You as an individual have more freedom than that. You can choose not to listen to the radio 
station, or you can go buy a CD if you want to hear the music. It's all up to you.


| -----Original Message-----
| From: owner-kclug at marauder.illiana.net
| [mailto:owner-kclug at marauder.illiana.net]On Behalf Of Brad Spangler
| Sent: Friday, March 14, 2003 5:10 PM
| To: kclug at kclug.org
| Subject: RE: FW: Censorship
| The radio stations as private companies have a right
| to freedom of association and freedom of speech.
| So do the people who think the radio station is acting
| in a contemptible manner.
| I count myself among the second camp.

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