
JD Runyan JRunyan.Lists at dms.nwcg.gov
Fri Mar 14 21:54:37 CST 2003

People want to cry censorship every time someone takes a simple economic stand 
on an issue.  The radio stations likely see a backlash for her comments 
coming, and they don't want to be lined up in front of the firing squad.  
When  you make your living in front of the public, it matters what the public 
thinks of you.  I can decide that I don't want a Dixie Chick CD, or won't 
listen to radio stations that play them.  I can decide that I don't want to 
see SeanPenn movies.  If enough people make this same decision, then the 
companies who play those people's music or movies pay the price.  Actors, 
Musicians, and the like need to keep in mind that they rely on people public 
opinions of them for thier lively hoods.  Much like politicians.  If they 
choose not to use thier public platform to spew thier beliefs, then it won't 
be used to judge them, but when they choose to do so, then they will be 
judged by thier words.    I really don't want to here what some actor, or 
singer's point of view on anything is.  So very few of them have have the 
intelligence or information to have much interesting to say.  There are a few 
who do, but for the most part they are working off thier looks, voice, or 
other some such useless talent any place that else in the world.  In my 
opinion these artists reap what they sowe.  If America wants to hear thier 
frivel, then they will continue to purchase thier goods, but if that is not 
the case then those that play thier songs or air thier shows should not have 
to pay the cost for thier loose lips.  They can be a waiter or waitress, and 
no one will care where they stand on anything, and they can say whatever they 
want, but so long as they are the public image of the US, then I won't spend 
my money to fund thier lifestyle that allows them to make the US out to be 
the villain of the world.

On Friday 14 March 2003 15:31, Jeremy Fowler wrote:
> CencorshipWay, way Off Topic and I hate country music, but...
"I stopped believing in Santa Claus when I was six.  Mother took me to
see him in a department store and he asked for my autograph."
		-- Shirley Temple

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