Linux at UMKC

david nicol whatever at
Wed Mar 12 06:40:40 CST 2003

On Mon, 2003-03-10 at 12:23, Jonathan Hutchins wrote:

> Could you actually access it from an ISP rather than the U's own dial-up modems 
> (or did they outsource those)?  Did it requre a valid user account?

This is now completely academic, but when I was maintaining it the 
policy was complete access from within and access to
umkc.* and soc.culture.* from off campus.  I am not sure if I
succeeded in setting it to allow you full access if you were to
provide your dial-up credentials or if I just talked about setting 
that up.

I kept usage statistics by group: by far, the thing the UMKC usenet
community was most interested in was naked orientals.  The most-used
group one could legally distribute to a minor in Missouri was 

Occasionally there would be usenet outages and I would reccommend that
people just use dejanews.  Which is now part of Google, but still provided.

IMO, the existence of dejanews pretty much obsoleted usenet, although
nntp remains a nice way to run a discussion.  With enough bandwidth,
a mailing list and a newsgroup are identical to work with.  With nntp,
you don't have to download articles unless you like the subject.  With
POP, you have to download everything.

With the pay2send forwarding service, you will receive a daily summary
of non-whitelisted and unpaid mail queued for your inspection.  I'm working
on it in another window.  Advance alias registration (set
choose_something at
to forward to the genuine e-mail address of your choice when it's working)
is working at this time, follow the link at the top of

David Nicol, independent consultant and contractor
perl -Mcoroutine0 -e'$c=new coroutine0 VARS=>[],BODY=>q"YIELD 74;
YIELD 65;YIELD 80;YIELD 72; YIELD 10;";print chr$_ while$_=&$c;'

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