
Brian Densmore DensmoreB at
Mon Mar 10 22:37:14 CST 2003

Damn we got some old dudes in the LUG!

I didn't know computers used to have card readers! 
Is that where Microsoft stole the solitaire program from?
And why do you want to sort a deck of playing cards? 
Isn't the whole point to shuffle them?
And what do airport terminals have to do with computers?
What's a patch board? And how does one virtualize it?

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jonathan Hutchins [mailto:hutchins at]
> I did Cobol, Assembler and RPGII at Penn Valley in '91 or '92, 
> and the RPG stuff 
> was all on cards, but the Assembler was on terminals.  I 
> don't think they had 
> any outside access back then.  Since RPG is basically just a 
> card sorting 
> program, virtualising the old patch boards for the sorters, 
> it makes a lot of 
> sense on cards.  System390 Assmebler really rocks!  It's one 
> of the reasons I 
> never had the patience to learn programming on the PC.

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