HTML Convertors/Generators

Jared Smith jared at
Thu Mar 6 15:21:02 CST 2003

>With Word 97, it was possible to take a document and use "save as HTML"
>function to get rough HTML that needed only a few global deletes to
>clean it up (mostly strip all the stupid FONT statements.  This no-
>longer seems to be a viable option, so what can I use instead?

I have found the cleanest, simplest HTML generated by converting
the .Doc to .RTF and using an RTF-2-HTML converter. The RTF-2-HTML
people, of which there are several offerings, are not interested
in bloat. HTML Tidy is a little twitchy; it works great in many
situtations, but not all, in my experience. It may work well for
you, and is a simple solution.


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