HTML Convertors/Generators

Jason Clinton clintonj at
Wed Mar 5 18:03:34 CST 2003

Jonathan Hutchins wrote:
> Thanks, that's what I was after.  Looks like JEdit is worth checking out.

Here are some sites I've done entirely in standards compliant XHTML and
CSS. It takes a little time to get used to the prohibited use of tables
to layout your site, but in the end it's SO worth it. I love being able
to make a quick change to my .css file to affect the look of the entire
site. << just getting started on this one

In the future I have plans to implement a web site that will provide
people with some javascript to detect security holes in their visitor's
browsers (by browser version) and notify the visitor that they should
upgrade to protect themselves.

(The secret plan is that the latest IE still has 13 unpatched
vulnerabilities and so, the only way to avoid them is to stop using IE.

Jason Clinton
I don't believe in witty sigs.

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