linux use in the area Re: ecommerce hosting services]

Jonathan Hutchins hutchins at
Tue Jun 24 22:04:22 CDT 2003

Quoting Phoenician <phoenician at>: 
> What if we could move t'wards virtual meetings using web cams and the such? 
Hey, we could even move to something that was time-independent, so if you 
couldn't make a night meeting, you could still participate during the day, and 
if you were a nightcrawler you could join the meeting at 4:30 A.M.   
If we used plain ASCII text, we could segment the conversations into 
individual statements by each participant that other people could then respond 
to at their convenience.  We could use a "subject" tag so you could follow a 
conversation by reading all the statements with the same subject in the order 
they were originally typed. 
Since it would be in plain ASCII, you could access the meeting from any 
system, and wouldn't need broadband and good graphics like you would for 
Wouldn't that be cool?  A virtual community, independent of time, space, and 

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