OT: Where to buy computer parts?....how to network...

Jonathan Hutchins hutchins at tarcanfel.org
Mon Jun 23 15:48:33 CDT 2003

Quoting Matt G <linux at bizniche.com>: 
> ...the first place I went had a magazine that 
> showed all the places you guys mentioned as well as parts/price lists. 
Yeah, we should have mentioned Computer User magazine.  It's a handy 
reference; for instance should you buy a HD from a local shop or get the 
latest special at CompUSA or BestBuy.  They used to publish the full-page list 
of local BBSs, so they've been around a while. 
Many shops will meet Telectronics published price if they carry the same 
brand; few carry as many brands as they do but that tends to be because they 
screen out the stuff that doesn't work. 
Nobody mentioned our favorite shop, Payless Computers at 81st. and Wornal, 
mostly because he's more of a build shop and less of a parts shop.  Sells good 
stuff that he uses to build computers that he stands behind, so I often rely 
on him; I know that the CPU, motherboard, and video card I buy from him will 
work together. 
For the truely adventurous, there's always Cargo Largo, formerly Recovery 
Sales Outlet (RSO), where if you check regularly and really know your stuff, 
you will find the occasional bargain.  They're at 35th. and Noland Road, but 
really only worth it if dropping in regularly is convenient. 

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