RedHat 9 review

christopher downs cdowns at
Wed Jun 11 14:20:51 CDT 2003

Thats funny you should say that, I noticed that at r00tH4t 6.2 and 
stopped using it ;)


Brian Densmore wrote:

>So, I'm guessing that RH9 has some issues. 
>Like don't cut and paste from the browser?
>Does any of this bring back memories of a system called Windows?
>Is RedHat becoming Redmondized?
>Hey they both begin with Red... hmmm...
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Rip Cord [mailto:ripcrd6 at]
>Sent: Wednesday, June 11, 2003 8:56 AM
>To: kclug at
>Subject: RedHat 9 review
>I had this long post about a redhat 9 review, but the f*ing browser
>freaked out when I tried to copy and past into   So here's
>the links.  If you are new to RedHat and you're using RH 9 or you want
>to know where some stuff moved, go here:
>Do you Yahoo!?
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