Metings vs. list

Jeremy Fowler JFowler at
Mon Jun 2 15:18:44 CDT 2003

Man, you just can't beat that Breakfast Dagwood... mmmmm

|-----Original Message-----
|From: Jonathan Hutchins [mailto:hutchins at]
|Sent: Monday, June 02, 2003 10:06 AM
|To: kclug
|Subject: Metings vs. list
|As someone who's participated in on-line communities for many 
|years, I have to 
|say that I'm not disappointed that the KCLUG meetings are what 
|they are.If 
|they were great, I would feel bad about missing them.  I would 
|still miss 
|them, but I'd feel bad. 
|If the meetings became great things to go to, where 
|significant exchanges took 
|place, you'd see a rift start to form between those who are list-only 
|participants and those who are meeting-first participants.   
|Communities that form on-line, as this one has, have their own 
|dynamic that 
|doesn't necessarily translate to a physical presence meeting.  
|An on-line 
|community allows a degree of filtering, time-shifting, and 
|alternate reality 
|for all of us.  Physical presence is limiting in it's way. 
|Some of us think places like Denny's and La Tortuga are great 
|places to get 
|together with some friends.  They're not meant to be about 
|location, it's who 
|you're with.  Others are so put off by the locations we never 
|go.  Some of us 
|can't make the meetings because of time or distance - and 
|that's not going to 
|change no matter where or when you hold the meeting. 
|Think of that important element that it's not where the 
|meeting is held, but 
|who comes and what happens.  That's why the list works.  It's 
|in a virtual 
|place, at a virtua time, and the people who show up are what matter. 
|We now return you to your previous carping session.  We 
|suggest that, as a 
|step toward returning to a Linux subject, you discuss 
|implementing spam 
|filtering on home system. 
|This mail sent through tarcanfel's horde/imp system

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