I've had it

Brian Kelsay bkelsay at comcast.net
Sun Jun 1 21:20:29 CDT 2003

First off, the list owner used to have member only posting and people
complained about that because they couldn't be a member at their home email
and post from work or some such problem.  Some people with small ISPs
weren't getting mail at all, probably due to THEIR admin's incompetence and
they complained about that.   What does it take to make you people happy?
I have been on the kclug list since 1998 and I don't think I've seen so much
b*tching in all that time.   If you don't like spam delete it.  Run Spam
Assassin. or use a throw away account.  I have done all of the above at one
time or another.   Not a real big deal.   Search on google and freshmeat.net
for something that answers your problem in a  way you understand.   Lots of
people have had success with those.

I just check my list archives and I found a discussion from 3/29/2000
between Mike Neulip (listowner) and Hal Duston about posting from non
subscribers.   I can provide all the messages in that thread if anyone is
interested.   Mike started this group out of nothing before I ever became a
member (in fact I've never met him) and admins it and hosts it on his own
time and with his own money.  It is what you make it.  If you have a
suggestion direct it at Hal D and Mike N via the list in a polite manner and
possibly we can have a discussion and not a shouting match over what should
be done.   Possibly some of you loud voices can actually attend one meeting
and we can discuss the merits of your ideas there.   There are a lot of you
who hang out on the list yet never come to the physical meetings.

I originally had more to say, but I'm out of steam and my kids are demanding
my attention.   So, I'll see you on the list or at the meetings or neither.

P.S.  I don't like the web-based bulletin boards for this volume of comments
as it takes forever to get through all the messages, but it does resolve a
lot of the problems you all have had.   You can access it from anywhere and
make your email address hidden in prefs.   Check out http://ilug.org , to
see the Independence LUG.
----- Original Message -----
From: "James Colannino" <
To: <kclug@
Sent: Saturday, May 31, 2003 2:26 PM
Subject: I've had it

> I've had it with this list.  I've read some good threads, and met some
> good people on this list, but someone really doesn't know how to
> administer a good majordomo system because every single list I've been
> subscribed to has allowed only members of the list to post to the group,
> and the amount of spam that I recieve from this list is absolutely
> ridiculous!  There is no excuse for that whatsoever.  My only guess is
> that whoever is administering the system has no idea how to close it off
> to non-members, and even so, how hard is it to either sit down and read
> the documentation, or ask someone else for help?  If there is a good
> reason, I do apologize.  Maybe I am not seeing the whole picture, but
> with all due respect, it does look like a bit of incompetance on the
> part of the administrator.
> Before I joined this list, this email addy was spam-free.  Thanks to
> this list, I now not only recieve spam on behalf of KCLUG, but also
> straight to my email as well.  My email address will never be 100% spam
> free again >:(
> To all those on this list who have helped me out, thank you very much
> :)  As I have said, there are many good people here.  But I just won't
> allow my email to be harvested for yet more spam in the not-so-far
> future simply because someone didn't set up majordomo properly.  I mean
> seriously.  We recieve more spam than legitimate posts!  There is
> absolutely NO excuse for this.  To whoever runs this list, I would
> advise you to do something right away.  You're losing a lot of people.
> I have already seen a couple posts from people who have decided to
> leave, and I'm sure there are many more who are silently dropping the
> list.  Take the effort to configure majordomo right this time, will
> you?  As for me, too late.  Even if it is taken care of, I can't risk
> being exposed to more spammers in the future.  It was good being on the
> list, and it was nice meeting all of you, but to whoever is
> administering majordomo, you ruined the experience for me permanently.
> James

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