I've had it

Mick Ohrberg mick at ohrberg.org
Sun Jun 1 14:24:01 CDT 2003

| > I've had it with this list.  I've read some good threads, and met 
| > some good people on this list, but someone really doesn't know 
| > how to

| I agree;  I think it needs to go to a bulletin board, as was
| suggested last week.

I would love to set something up, but I don't think my server could handle
the potential load from a KCLUG board - both from a 'horsepower' (Dual PPro
200 w/ 128 MB RAM) and a bandwidth (Roadrunner) point of view considering
it's already running a few boards (phpBB btw). I also think it would be
wrong to make someone pay to have it hosted somewhere.

Anyone have any suggestions on how to get around this?

Btw - this was sent at 9:24am ;D


 o.O|  Stop the violins.
 =(_)=  Visualize whirled peas.
 A C K !  C o r e   e r r o r .
          B u s   d u m p e d .
          KeyID = 0x1D77FD43  

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