kclug.org redesign

Jason Clinton clintonj at umkc.edu
Fri Jan 10 16:08:30 CST 2003

Charles K. Lee II wrote:
> based browser such as lynx.  However, due to it's poor CSS support, Netscape
> 4 doesn't render the site nicely, but it's still usable (I plan on making it
> look better though).

Steal a line from <http://www.wired.com/>:

Put a paragraph at the top of the HTML file that has this content:
<!-- Only non-standards-compliant browsers should see the following 
message --><p id="netscape_warning"><strong>Note:</strong> Wired News 
content is accessible to all versions of every browser. However, this 
browser may not support basic Web standards, preventing the display of 
our site's design details. We support the mission of the Web Standards 
Project in the <a 
href="http://www.webstandards.org/upgrade/">campaign</a> encouraging 
users to upgrade their browsers.</p>

with its id set to "netscape_warning". Then, in your CSS, place this:

#netscape_warning {display: none;}

Since NN4 ignores linked CSS, the paragraph will only be displayed in 
text based browsers and NN4.

Jason Clinton
I don't believe in witty sigs.

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