SQL question

Jim Herrmann jimh at ItDepends.com
Sat Aug 9 05:32:37 CDT 2003

First off, as a DB2 DBA of 15 years, I would have used a reorg with 
discards to delete that much data.  It's waaay faster, because it 
doesn't do logging, and doesn't go through the data base engine.  
However, since you didn't tell us what kind of data base you are using, 
I'm not sure if you have that option.  If you don't have a utility 
option to complete this process, or you simply can't take the outage 
that a utility solution would require, and you must use SQL, then I have 
a suggestion or two.  Does this database management system handle 
transactions, meaning that it does logging?  If it does, then *never* 
try to delete that much data in one statement.  One way to handle it is 
to write a program to open a cursor with hold, then delete say 10,000 
rows, and commit.  The "with hold" means that the cursor is not closed 
at commit time.  Another way to break it up is by limiting the result 
set of your delete with the predicate (where clause).  Experiment with 
SELECT statements until you get the result sets down to a smaller number 
that your logs can handle, then use the same predicate for you delete 
statement.  Repeat over and over for with different predicates that take 
bite sized chunks of data, and do commits in between each delete.

Utilities are your friends.  Go that route if at all possible.  If you 
want more help, just let me know what kind of DBMS you are working with, 
and I can help you work through it.  Data base is my life.  :-)

Jim Herrmann

Brian Densmore wrote:

>Well although this is not Linux related it could easily be.
>I have a somewhat large database (approx 180 million records)
>that I need to delete certain "sets" from based on a foreign
>key in a smaller table (approx 4 million records) and the 
>records I want to delete match a field in a third table
>(very small < 100 records). I ran this delete query and it ran 
>for 18 hours and still didn't finish. We had to kill it
>(because the server was swapping back and forth and came 
>to a standstill because we only have a 1/2 gig of RAM).
>Anyway, I, have two questions:
>1) why should it take 18 hours to run (the delete query should
>have deleted about 1/3 of the data in the database),
>2) is there anyway to have a single delete query statement
>do periodic commits (as really dangerous as it is)?
>basically what I have is this:
>table bad_marks (uid,mark)
>table messages  (indice,mark,...)
>table msg_elements (id,indice,...)
>where bad_marks.mark 1->M/1->0 messages.mark, uid = PK
>      messages.indice 1->M msg_element.indice, message.indice = PK, message.mark = indexed
>      msg_element id = PK, indice = indexed
>and there is no referential integrity turned on (yet).
>"Three OS's from corporate-kings in their towers of glass, 
>Seven from valley-lords where orchards used to grow, 
>Nine from dotcoms doomed to die, 
>one from the dark lord Gates on his dark throne 
>In the Land of Redmond where the Shadows lie. 
>one OS to rule them all, one OS to find them, 
>one OS to bring them all and in the darkness bind them, 
>In the Land of Redmond where the Shadows lie."    john thrum

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