Cheaper programmers, it can't get any lower

Brian Kelsay bkelsay at
Fri Aug 8 18:57:27 CDT 2003

Jason Clinton wrote:

> Brian Kelsay wrote:
>> Have you heard of the recent move by Major companies to move Helpdesk 
>> and Programming divisions overseas?  Well, no surprise, but Sprint is 
>> getting into it too to save money.  The only logical next step will be 
>> training monkeys to do our jobs.  think it's not possible?  Then check 
>> this out!!
> I know it's frustrating to have our jobs moved overseas but we don't 
> need to resort to racism. You seem to be implying that foreigners are 
> somewhere between us and monkeys. I won't stand for that. Please clarify 
> or apologize.
Have you never heard the saying about a thousand monkeys and typewriters 
and Shakespeare?  Have you not heard about India losing out on some 
recent tech support center contracts because even cheaper labor was 
found elsewhere?  If not, that is your research project for the 
afternoon.  Get crackin'.  It was a link of the day at 
and intended to be funny.

I personally don't have any racial prejudices and my post was not 
intended that way.  One other thing, have you not heard about the plight 
of the American worker before there were unions.  That would be another 
good research project for you before you are finished.  Before unions, 
companies worked people 14-16 hours a day because they could.  Because 
no one stood up to them.  Children worked in mines and factories where 
they had no business whatsoever.  These and other things are happening 
in the Third-world countries still, including slavery.   I just think 
that support for a local company should be local unless no one wants to 
work there, not just to save a buck. If you can't get anyone to work in 
your call center because it's a sucky job and you don't have enough 
people to fill the seats, then sure ship it off elsewhere to people 
grateful to have a job. I could go on but I want to play with my kids 
and I have a couple of projects to do today, including finding a job.

I hit one of your hot-buttons and you hit one of mine.  Let's leave it 
at that.  See you at the next LUG meeting if you want to discuss it 
further or mail me off-list.

A Computer without Microsoft is like a chocolate cake without mustard.
-as seen on IRC

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