Free as in beer?

Hal Duston hduston at
Wed Aug 6 19:18:57 CDT 2003

On Wed, 2003-08-06 at 12:53, Bradley Miller wrote:
>,3959,1211051,00.asp -- not so if SCO has 
> it's way . . .
> Let's see .  . . I think I owe . . . . HOLY CRAP . . .

Over $10K for me.  Heh.

Perhaps I should upgrade all my machines to 2.6.  Or does the $1400 not
even protect me there.  It seems unclear.

Picture wack-a-mole.

SCO:  We are suing IBM for contract infringments.
SCO:  There are dozens of lines of SCO code in Linux.
SCO:  Not in the kernel, but elsewhere.
SCO:  Actually, yes in the kernel.
SCO;  And it's hundreds of files, not dozens of lines.
SCO:  Dear 1500 Linux companies, "Give us money or we sue".
SCO:  Etc.


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