Jason Clinton clintonj at umkc.edu
Mon Sep 30 09:59:08 CDT 2002

Hash: SHA1

Gene Dascher wrote:
| I have a couple of questions for you:
| Can you play it back on your TV, or are you stuck watching it on the PC
| monitor?
| How good does it look (on TV or PC)?

I have a DVI --> S-Video converter so I use my computer for all my audio visual
needs. If by the question you mean, "Can I play it on a DVD player?" Nope... not
~ unless you convert it to VCD format of course and then it'll take up just as
much room as any other format.

At 2mb/min the quality is somewhat low but it's clear enough to watch a TV show
on. I wouldn't rip any DVD's in this format, though.

TV is a theortical 548x384 resolution so there is some loss in the resize. DivX
5.0 is an implementation of the MPEG-4 wavelet standard. VCD's use MPEG-1, DVD's
and Time Warner Cables "Digital" (heh) channels use MPEG-2.

At 4mb/min the quality is pretty close to TV. (And uses almost 100% CPU on an
Athlon 1400 XP+) At 10mb/min it's better than a DVD. At 20mb/min (I think) you
approach the ability to encode 1080i HDTV signals but there's now way in hell
any of us will have a process capable of encoding that in real-time any time soon.

Interstingly, at 10mb/min the quality is better than DVD,  yet the same length
of video will fit on a CD: ~70 mins.

Gotta love them wavelets...
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