Tux web server

Charles Steinkuehler charles at steinkuehler.net
Mon Nov 25 15:47:25 CST 2002

Anyone have any experience using the new Tux webserver?  I need a light-weight web server to serve 
a bunch of static content, and am trying to decide between Tux and thttpd.

I need to support virtual servers, which Tux and thttpd both handle.  I would also like to 
password-protect a few directories.  I know I can do this with thttpd, but I'm not sure if this is 
possible with Tux...if it is, it looks like it would have to be implemented as a user-space module, 
but I haven't been able to find one.  Anyone know of a tux user-space module repository, or would I 
have to write one myself? <ugh!>

Charles Steinkuehler
charles at steinkuehler.net

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