Lean & Mean FTP server

Jonathan Hutchins hutchins at opus1.com
Sat Nov 23 04:32:52 CST 2002

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Charles Steinkuehler [mailto:charles at steinkuehler.net]

> The problem is obviously due to lack of memory, but I cannot 
> add RAM to the box (it's a Time-Warner dedicated server system, and 
> requires more $$$ to upgrade, which is out of the question given this
> current situation).

So is this like a remote host that Time-Warner leases to you or something?
I'm not sure I get the "why we can't upgrade", but it sounds like the answer
is to limit the connections to what the server can handle, and make the
error message say "we don't have money for the upgrade".  Within reasonable
limits, not buying the tools your people need to do their jobs is just plain
stupid, not smart money management.

You can do some tweaking and tuning - make sure the absolute minimum
software is running, move services to other boxes if necessary, compile
those minimal programs for the system in question.  I think compiling the
modules that you always use, like the ethernet drivers, is supposed to
improve performance a little bit.

Remind the bean counters that hardware doesn't cost money, talent costs
money, and if you don't provide the hardware they need, you'll loose them.

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