Are C Data Structure Questions OK?

John Heryer jheryer at
Fri Nov 22 21:14:58 CST 2002

(fresh from google)

That site seems to have a fairly good explanation. The main difference 
between the two trees is that the AVL tree is a binary search tree, 
meaning each node can only have two children. The nodes of  b-tree can have "many" 

I have not seen or writen a real world "usefull" application using an avl 
tree.  I'm sure there is something out there that makes use out of it. I 
think this is due to the limitation of the struct requiring that the tree 
be a binary search tree. 

The b-trees are very important. Most databases use a variation of them to 
manage their data.

To compair pros and cons of each data structure should be done in the 
context of where you want to apply them.   

I hope this helps...

On Fri, 22 Nov 2002, Jeremy Fowler wrote:

> Quick question, does anyone know of any links or maybe you can tell me directly
> the pros and cons of using AVL Binary Search Trees vs. B-Trees? Basically I just
> need a quick comparison of the two and suggestions of when to use one over the
> other. Mathematical/Discrete Structures are ok, but looking for more real-world
> type scenarios.
> Thanks. -Jeremy

John Heryer
jheryer at

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