Lean & Mean FTP server

Charles Steinkuehler charles at steinkuehler.net
Fri Nov 22 19:40:14 CST 2002

Andrew Bates wrote:
> What is the perfomance hit having khttpd serve those files instead of FTP?

I'm not familiar with khttpd.  While I like downloading files with http 
or rsync protocols, the marketing folks insist on keeping the files 
available via ftp, so I still need a lean ftp server.

So far, it looks like the best solution is vsftpd, which (at least for 
binary transfers) uses the same sendfile call thttpd uses to serve up 
files, although vsftpd does spawn a process (or two, depending on 
configuration) for each connected user.

There's also ncftpd, which does *NOT* spawn a process per user, but I'm 
unclear how it sends files, plus it costs money, which virtually 
guarantees I can't use it, unless there's a really good case for needing 
it vs. vsftpd.

So, anyone got any experience with vsftpd or ncftpd, or have suggestions 
for a better solution?

Charles Steinkuehler
charles at steinkuehler.net

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